Natural Resources Protective Association: Protecting the marine environment since 1977

Bluebelt Cleanup

Members of Natural Resources Protective Association, along with students from New Dorp and Susan Wagner High Schools cleaned up a one-acre portion of the DEP New Creek Bluebelt at Seaver Avenue in Dongan Hills.  More than 700 pounds of debris were removed.  The 10 students found debris such as yard toys, cooking utensils, potted plants, tarpaulins, tools, auto parts, construction debris and trash cans.  Some of the salvageable, identifiable items were returned to people in the neighborhood.  After the cleanup, the students were treated to food and drink at “The Square” Pizzeria by residents of the block.  The next NRPA cleanup is set for Sat., March 23 at New Dorp Beach with Clean Ocean Action.  For more information, call Jim Scarcella at 718-873-4291.

Source: Staten Island Advance March 11, 2013

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