Natural Resources Protective Association: Protecting the marine environment since 1977

Decomposition Rates for Common Types of Marine Debris

Paper Towel                                                    2-4 weeks*

Orange or Banana Peel                                2-5 weeks

Newspaper                                                      6 weeks

Cloth                                                                  1-5 months

Apple Core                                                       2 months*

Cardboard Box                                                2 months

Cotton Shirt                                                     2-5 months

Wax Carton                                                      3 months*

Plywood                                                            1-3 years

Cigarette Butt                                                 1-5 years

Wool Socks                                                      1-5 years

Plastic Bag                                                        10-20 years

Styrofoam                                                        50 years*

Tin Can                                                              50 years*

Aluminum Can                                                80-200 years

Plastic 6 Pack Ring                                         400 years

Disposable Diaper                                         450 years

Plastic Beverage Bottle                                450 years

Monofilament Line                                       600 years

Glass Bottle                                                      1 million years


* Indicates decomposition in saltwater.  Freshwater degradation would take longer.