Natural Resources Protective Association: Protecting the marine environment since 1977

NRPA Meeting – April 3, 2013

Members and friends of Natural Resources Protective Association met at the Blue Heron Park Nature Center, Annadale.  The group reviewed an application submitted by Parks Dept. to Dept. of Environmental Conservation to build temporary vegetated dunes from Oakwood Beach to the north end of South Beach.  The group discussed a recent meeting with Army Corps of Engineers about dredged material and Sea Gate breakwater assemblies.  Linda Dianto from National Lighthouse Museum invited the group on the walking tour in St. George on April 17th at 6 PM.  The team agreed to participate at the ‘SImagines’ forum this Saturday, sponsored by SI Architects Association, to be held at SI Technical High School, Clawson Street, New Dorp.  For info call Mr. Tim Boyland at 718-720-0710.  NRPA will clean up Crescent Beach North in Great Kills on Sat April 13, meeting at Glover Street and Tennyson Drive.  On April 20, the group will participate with an exhibit at St George Day at Victory Boulevard and Bay Street.  Clean Ocean Action and NRPA will sponsor a “Wave of Action” cleanup on Sat April 27th, location to be announced.  For more info call Jim Scarcella, 718-873-4291

Source: Staten Island Advance April 3, 2013

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